ceh ecceh ecceh.. desire la kekononyer.. hikhik.. u all tau tak apa tu tissue culture?? haaa sure xtau kan. ni keje i tetiap ari kat lab tu. work as a researcher; tissue culturist tu~ xpernah terlintas difikran me tau keje as a researcher ni. tapi since final year project kat USM dulu, me jd addict dgn lab work. best giler pakai lab coat pastu buat la research ala ala scientist. nak nak kalau dapat results. Memang seronoknyer tak terkata. Tapi kalau results tak dapat, mula la nak pikr benda2 lain, nak beniaga la, nak quit la, hahahha..tapi sekejap jer. . lepas 2 3 hari dh ok balik... Me keje kat Melaka Biotechnology Corporation ni since 2 May 2003 until now. haaa jgn x caye... please la percaya.. seroonook sangat2 keje kat sini. hikhikhik..
haa.. kat situla lab me yang tersayang... siap peta tu...
Azurin Hanim bte Jamaluddin | Research Officer(Tissue Culture) | azurin@mib.gov.my |
haha very the poyos one kan kan.. alaa apa salah kan bangga dgn keje yg menjadi punca rezeki kami sekeluarga.
Corporate Profile |
Melaka Biotechnology Corporation (MELBIO) is a wholly-owned corporation of Melaka State Government on 1 January 2005. MELBIO’s vision is to be a dynamic and progressive institution with a centre of excellence and world class research as the pioneer for strategic research, development and biotechnology commercialisation as a new wealth creation.
In the past 5 years, MELBIO has successfully delivered its role as the research agency for agricultural development, underlying its mission; to create a scientific based environment in State for the advancement of S&T and integrated R&D. MELBIO has been the leading organization in agricultural research development, fulfilling the industry needs by blending new innovations with quality and standards. Together with its business development partners MBH; MELBIO has tremendously contributed to the dynamic agricultural and biotechnology development, enabling Malaysian products and services to receive its due recognition of quality and innovativeness. Continuous reinvention of itself has enabled MELBIO to ensure that it is scientific innovation and responsive to clients and customers and establish Melaka as the centre of excellence for biotechnology areas.
Plant Tissue Culture
In tissue culture lab of Melaka Institute of Biotechnology, there are few projects have been set-up mainly in Micropropagation of Medicinal & Aromatic plants, Micropropagation or Ornamental plants and Micropropagation of Orchids.In our plant tissue culture laboratory, we have establish the commercial ready micropropagation procedures and protocols for 23 plants such as Misai, Sambung Nyawa, Hempedu Bumi, Kacip Fatimah, Senduduk putih, Variation of Banana and Ornamental plants such as Carnation, Coleus, Sundal Malam and Variation of Orchids. Using our established commercial ready procedures and protocols, Invitrotech Sdn.Bhd is producing and offering plantlets of above mentioned plants on commercial scale. The success of our previous projects demonstrates our technical capabilities to develop a prototype micropropagation process for the production plantlets of our interest.
haaa tu dia.. tu semua keje i buat tau since 2003 lagi. hikhik... bangga sioot.
antara plantlets hasil dr research me~ pic lama, yg baru ntah mana pegi kowt
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